Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Secret Memo

A memo has been leaked to the British press that corroborates the position of anti-war protesters world-wide. The release several days before the election in Great Britain nearly brought down Tony Blair's government, but is barely making a stir in the United States. It is now clear we invaded a sovereign country under false pretences. Much of the world and half the U.S. has known it from the beginning.

It's a report from Britain's top advisors, back in July 2002, stating that President Bush was determined to go to war with Iraq and that the facts were being "fixed" around the policy. It was deemed necessary to bait Saddam Hussein with threats of inspections, with the hopes of using his refusal as reason for war. But Saddam did allow the inspectors in, leaving Bush to make his case with virtually nothing except bogus evidence.

Oil has always been the main reason and Iraq is not the end. Iran is around the corner; both its oil and almost never mentioned natural gas constitute the second largest un-tapped reserves in the world. If you believe that current oil and gas consumption should continue unabated by any means necessary, then the Bush administration represents your interests. However, this diverges from the ultimate good of the American people, since oil is a finite resource, and alternative energy sources are abundant.

It's time to look for ways to get out of this mess. Unfortunately, impeachment of the president may be the only way to achieve a restoration of America's reputation. The fact that the Republican majority in Congress is unlikely to vote for it is further proof of its necessity. Even if a person agrees with the reasons (both given or actual) for the war in Iraq, eventually it must be acknowledged that Congress and the American people were deceived. In the absence of a lot of other options, some are calling for a national recall election, with paper ballots only.

It's hard to imagine what it would take for the rest of the public to wake up and realize they have been conned. The secret British memo is all the information we need to open an investigation. Full Congressional hearings should follow as soon as possible. Members of the House Judiciary committee are opening an inquiry over in Great Britain in order to get the ball rolling. For the American mainstream press to pick it up, it needs to be sensational enough to risk lucrative ties to corporate sponsors with connections to the White House.

Time is running out on stopping this administration from destroying the infrastructure of the United States. Their targets are many, so they must be confronted directly. The American people deserve to know the truth. This is apparently one of the things they are disputing. And just because it's old news that Bush misled us, doesn't mean it should be ignored. The toll increases daily because of these ill-fated decisions. It needs to be remembered that the Iraq war was foisted upon us, and its legality under national and international law has always been tenuous at best.

Our next move must be to alert the American people. If there is any semblance of integrity left in the mainstream media, it needs to come forward now. The future of the country and the world depend on it. Without demonstrating that we repudiate these policies, we are merely subjecting ourselves to more hatred that feeds the cycle of violence. Peace isn't possible until the arrogance of our own government has been examined and completely dissolved. Only then can the real America emerge into its role as a benevolent leader in the world.





















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